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    2019-08-05 08:54:31 來源:環(huán)球時(shí)報(bào) 編輯:


    據(jù)英國《衛(wèi)報(bào)》爆料,美國聯(lián)邦通信委員會(huì)(Federal Communications Commission)的文件顯示,美國軍方正在中西部的南達(dá)科他、明尼蘇達(dá)、愛荷華、威斯康星、密蘇里、伊利諾伊6個(gè)州范圍內(nèi),使用實(shí)驗(yàn)性高海拔氣球進(jìn)行廣域范圍的監(jiān)控測試。

    根據(jù)一份代表內(nèi)華達(dá)山脈公司(Sierra Nevada Corporation)(一家航空航天和國防公司)提交的文件顯示,這些氣球是為了“提供一個(gè)持續(xù)的監(jiān)視系統(tǒng),來定位和阻止毒品走私和國土安全威脅”(provide a persistent surveillance system to locate and deter narcotic trafficking and homeland security threats)。

    The balloons are carrying hi-tech radars designed to simultaneously track many individual vehicles day or night, through any kind of weather。 The tests, which have not previously been reported, received an FCC license to operate from mid-July until September, following similar flights licensed last year。


    Arthur Holland Michel, the co-director of the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College in New York, said, “What this new technology proposes is to watch everything at once。 Sometimes it’s referred to as ‘combat TiVo’ because when an event happens somewhere in the surveilled area, you can potentially rewind the tape to see exactly what occurred, and rewind even further to see who was involved and where they came from。”


    ▲Pentagon testing mass surveillance balloons across the US (via The Guardian)

    美墨邊境上的海關(guān)邊境巡邏監(jiān)控氣球(圖 via AFP)

    美墨邊境上的海關(guān)邊境巡邏監(jiān)控氣球(圖 via AFP)


    (圖 via Getty Images)

    (圖 via Getty Images)

    此外,這些由美國國防部的南方司令部(United States Southern Command)放飛的氣球還搭載了不少設(shè)備。

    The balloons also carry small vehicles containing sensors and communications equipment。 The loadout includes a synthetic aperture radar designed to be able to detect every single moving car or boat active in a 25-mile field beneath the balloon。


    The craft operate as a network, fitted with advanced mesh networking technologies meaning they can communicate with one another。 The balloons can pass information—including video—to each other and to receivers on the ground。


    The Guardian suggested the balloons may be carrying Sierra Nevada‘s advanced Gorgon Stare video capture system, which is already in use in U.S。 military drones。 The Pentagon has also used Gorgon Stare on surveillance blimps in Afghanistan。 It consists of nine cameras recording panoramic images, enabling operators to capture activity across an entire city at once。


    ▲Pentagon Is Testing High Altitude Surveillance Balloons to ‘Watch Everything at Once’: ‘It’s Disturbing‘ (via Newsweek)

    (圖 via Alamy)

    (圖 via Alamy)


    “We do not think that American cities should be subject to wide-area surveillance in which every vehicle could be tracked wherever they go,” Jay Stanley, a policy analyst at the American Civil Liberties Union, told the Guardian。 “Even in tests, they’re still collecting a lot of data on Americans: who’s driving to the union house, the church, the mosque, the Alzheimer’s clinic。”


    We should not go down the road of allowing this to be used in the United States and it’s disturbing to hear that these tests are being carried out, by the military no less。


    American whistleblower and former surveillance contractor Edward Snowden, who in 2013 leaked a massive cache of material illicitly obtained from the National Security Agency (NSA), was also critical of the tests。


    “They always tell us the tools of mass surveillance are intended for use only against the faraway Other; the foreign enemy, the terrorist, the criminal,” Snowden said in a tweet。 “And then, just a few years later, we realize precisely the same system secretly surrounds us at home。”


    ▲Pentagon testing ‘spy balloons’ across Midwest for ‘persistent’ domestic surveillance (via RT)

    愛荷華州住宅區(qū)(圖 via Alamy)

    愛荷華州住宅區(qū)(圖 via Alamy)

    整合:Du Qiongfang

    資料:The Guardian, Newsweek, RT

    圖/題圖:AFP, Getty Images, Alamy

    關(guān)鍵詞: 間諜氣球



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